
Skiers Meet Tomorrow In First '41 Session

The first meeting of the Ski Club will be held tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Winthrop House common room. Open to all members of the University interested in recreational or competitive skiing, the meeting is primarily organizational, but plans for the season will be outlined and discussed.

In urging men to attend who have never previously skiied, Thomas Winship '42, president of the club, stated, "This year we're really going to concentrate on the boys around College who have never had much skiing. When snow conditions permit, members of the team will take those who want to come out to the neighboring slopes for some instruction."

To Show Movies

One of the main features of the meeting tomorrow will be the movies of the famed Norweglan Ruud brothers, depicting scenes from their training and jumping. Christmas vacation plans will also be announced.

Fifteen undergraduates spent the past weekend at the club's cabin in Jackson, New Hampshire, where they chopped a good part of the winter's wood supply. Two of the men put in a morning of what is probably the first Harvard skiing this year, which they found after walking four miles up the toll road on Mount Washington.


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