
Hu Flung Flings 'Em

"White, face!" should the drill sergeant, exasperated because Pvt, Huey, H.F., was dreaming of other matters in the rear rank.

"Quiet, dope," replied out here with Oriental calm. "I'm Maupin 'cause I can't take my girl to Soldiers Field for the game this afternoon."

"It wouldn't MacKinney difference, you olive drab dope," gloated the sarge. "That Army team would just a-Mazur with the score it'll run up. It'd Kelleher and she'd go out with a Cadet instead of you, you human canary, and with a Cadet there are no Olds barred. Why, half your team's injured. Forte won't play, I hear."

"O'Donnell be in there, don't worry. Injuries don't bother us; when we get scratches we just put Heiden on them. And never fear; there'll be no weeping along the Jarrells tonight. Jawn'll stuff the Army down a Hatch so it'll never Seip out. I make it Harvard, 7 to 6."
