
Second Pep Rally Set For Tomorrow Evening

Indian, Tiger, Movies To Be Shown in Lecture Hall

Harvard rooters will climax a pre-victory parade in the light of their own torches when they assemble in the Varsity Club Quadrangle tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock for the season's biggest pep rally.

Head Coach Dick Harlow will give the first speech, and will be followed by Captain Franny Lee, blocking back George Heiden, backfield coach Al McCoy, and George Cavens, noted sports columnist of the Boston Traveler.

Forming in front of Grays Hall at 7 o'clock, the throng will wind its way about the Yard, ending up at the doors of the Varsity Club. Head cheerleader Bill Young will lead the parade and the cheers and introduce the speakers.

Replays of this year's Princeton and Dartmouth contests are scheduled to be shown in the New Lecture Hall this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Beginning with the movies of the Princeton game on the muddy field of Palmer Stadium, the show will be climaxed with scenes of the squad's play against the Indians of Dartmouth.
