One of the main features of the Pan American ball to be held tomorrow night in the Somerset ballroom will be the choice of an all-American "Debutante" by the members of the Varsity football team. The distinction will be awarded after much thought and dutiful consideration of the respective merits of the candidates. Under no circumstances will favoritism influence the decision of the judges.
The evening's entertainment, including a few words of greeting to South American students, will be heard south of the border via short wave.
Sponsored by P. B. H.
Sponsored by a Phillips Brooks House committee, the dance will transform the ballroom into a jubilee. It will benefit the International Club, create a fund for Latin American scholarships, and introduce Harvard students to South American ways.
Songs, music, dances, and speeches will all contribute to the festive South American atmosphere. Harry Marchard and Don Rio, the Latin American maestro, will provide the music, while Yolagalli, draftee from the Rainbow Room, chants her vocals in Spanish.
Manhaffan's "Le Conga" contributes Alfredo Seville, while Nabor Carille '42. Mexican baritone, halls from Harvard, Don Rio's dance team, Jose and Argentins, will climax the entertainment. Teniatively scheduled rhumba contests provide guests with a chance to show their talents.
Many students of Harvard helped in arranging the dance. Working with Chairman Robert G. Drake '44 were Robert R. Albers '44, Gilberto Arias '44, Robert Bacon '43, Robert B. Barnet '42, Louis W. Cabot '43, Winthrop L. Carter '42, Peter Dammann '43, E. Bernard Fleischkar '42, John R. Frair '43, V. H. Charles Gibson '42, and Arture de la Guardia '43.
Also assisting are Rodolfo Herrera 4M, Eugene D. Keith '42, Loren G. MacKinney '42, Maurice T. Obregon '43, Eudicott Peabody, 2nd '42, Coles H. Phinizy '42, and Gardner R. Pierson '3S.
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