
Arnold Will Manage 1943 Eleven; Bingham Alters Set-Up For Assistants

Campbell, Cummings Win '42 JV and Freshman Posts

David B. Arnold '44 of Winthrop House and Chestnut Hill was awarded the managership of the Varsity football team in 1943, it was officially announced after the game Saturday. He was selected as the result of an eight week competition.

Arnold, who was graduated from Noble and Greenough, will be Assistant Manager next year. Worthington Campbell '44 was the second place winner, and will manage the Junior Varsity next year, while Joseph Cummings who ended up in third position, will be the head Freshman Associate Manager in 1942.

William J. Bingham '16, director of Athletics, at the same time revealed that there will be a change in the managerial set-up next year. Instead of awarding the two Sophomore runners-up the posts of Assistant J. V. manager and Assistant Associate Freshman Manager, advancing them to the positions of Jayvee and Yardling managers their Senior year, the two intermediate jobs have been abandoned. Cambell and Cummings will therefore take over the Junior Varsity and Freshman managerial duties next year, and will be through at the end of the season.

The competition for Varsity manager starts at the opening of the Freshman year, when all aspirants battle for the postion of Yardling manager. Five men are chosen to continue the competition.
