

Course Will Survey Housing, Local Social Agency Set-up

While the post-November-Hour full makes regular courses loss strenuous, the Phillips Brooks House Social Service Committee will initiate tonight a course in practical sociology with one lecture a week for five weeks, and additional hours for those those who wish to specialize.

Without necessarily taking part in regular settlement work, undergraduates interested in community surveying settlement houses, boys work, juvenile delinquency, or housing will have an opportunity to hear local authorities on those subjects speak, and may organize in special groups to study problems first-hand.

Brooks House has scheduled Charles P. Loomis, visiting lecturer on Sociology, to speak at the first meeting in Emerson A, 8 o'clock tonight. He will bring out the meaning of social service work to the community, particularly as it applies to college students.

The head of Cambridge's East End Union, John Morris, speaks a week later, while meantime he will lead the group investigating boys work. Other speakers have not been definitely lined up yet.

For the field workers P.B.H. has obtained Miss Bertha Goldthwaite, head of the metropolitan Boston Council of Social Agencies, who will conduct the community survey. Calvin Yuill of the Metropolitan District Housing Commission, having access to the offices of local housing agencies and to plan of recent low-cost housing development, will tutor men who are concentrating" in that field.


Organizer of the program is Richard N. Swift '44, chairman of the special sub-committee of the Social Service Committee. Assisting him in the plan are Gerald Eisner '42, William Drucker '43, and Stephen Kenney '44.
