

To the Editor of the Crimson:

The end of the Army game was a disgusting spectacle, when all the roughs of the region invaded the field, spoiled the game, and destroyed the goalposts. Why the College should sit fatly by and watch the riot, I cannot understand. Could not a couple of hundred students, or police with fire-hose, be mobilized to guard the field and posts? Or could not the posts be electrified so as to shock any who touched them, even to the extent of fixing the touchers to the posts, so that all could be carted down to the River and thrown in? Or perhaps best of all would be to lead tear gas or stink gas to the goal region, so that when the rabble invaded it, disabling gases would take care of them. The whole business was a disgrace to Harvard and an insult to its guests. K. G. T. Webster '93.   Assistant professor of English emeritus.

P. S. I notice that some of the papers, ignorant of the circumstance that one never destroys one's own goalpost, imagine that it was ever exhilarated Harvard youths who were responsible.
