

Salmen Expects Over 200 To Ask Aid by Mid-Years

It was no surprise to find that Head Supervisor Stanley Salmen, the man who runs the University's substitute for commercial tutoring schools, has given practically no specific preparation for the November Hours.

Only about 45 students have visited his headquarters on the fifth floor of Holyoke House since the beginning of the College year, and almost all of these have been "adjustment," rather than straight tutoring cases.

"Adjustment," as Salmen and his staff define it, is a broad term. At this particular time of year, it usually refers to students who have had poor preparation. Some haven't had a complete enough background in algebra to hold them above water in Physics C others have too scanty a knowledge of French to carry them through the first weeks of French E. Such cases can usually be bandled in an average of under four hours per man.

Salmen, however, takes care of a good many adjustment problems himself, when they don't actually involve subject matter. He has learned that the student who says, "I'm worried because I'm not getting my work done," does not always have to be put under curricular supervision. He may have financial, or family worries.

Forty-five students seems an unusually small number compared to the business which used to be carried on in the Massachusetts Avenue cram emporiums. But the Board of Supervisors does not pretend to do a student's work or spot his exam questions for him. Before November Hours Salmon goes on the assumption that a man can do his own work. Between November and mid-years, be expects his clients to number in the two hundreds.
