

Lab Demonstrations, Talks Prepare For Federal Jobs

The content of the 15-hour basic training course for air raid wardens, open without credit to all students, officers, and employees, was announced by Assistant Dean Henry Chauncey '28, last night.

To be given in two-hour sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for the next month, the course serves as an introduction to various types of civilian defense work, giving a birdseye view of the field, while preparing the student for a specific job. Dean Chauncey pointed out that it is in the nature of the warden's work to have a rough knowledge of procedures in any sort of emergency, since he is likely to be the first worker on the scene.

The course will begin with a general outline of the warden's duties. A lecture on the theory of combustion and fire fighting control, with a laboratory demonstration, will follow, and there will also be a lecture and demonstration on incendiary bombs and their control. Other subjects to be taken up are high explosive bombs, gases used in warfare and protection against them, blackouts, and the organization of Air Raid Precautions Services.

Dean Chauncey emphasized the fact that the satisfactory completion of this course, together with 10 hours work in Red Cross training which may be taken either simultaneously or afterwards, fulfills the Federal Air Raid Warden requirements. As a result students may serve as a warden in their own community, as well as in connection with the University's Civilian Defense setup, which will be set up after midyears. Graduates of the course will form the nucleus of this organization.


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