Ten thousand men of Harvard will shorten their already brief and succinct apasma of cheering this fall in the throes of the Crimson's flashing in triumph.
Advance dope from Head Cheer-leader Bill Young has revealed that the last two "rah's" of the "Long Cheer for the Team" and one "rah" from the "Short Cheer" have been eliminated.
The long cheer now has seven "rah's," two Hahvuhds, and three "teams." The cheerleaders are still arguing over the short cheer, as one faction wants it to be: "Hahvuhd, rah, ray, team," while the other says this would be untraditional.
Rumor has it that the changes were made because the growing tide of indifference has left the stands of flaming Crimson unwilling to give the necessary effort for the old "three times three."
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