

A Sophomore dark horse Jack Jillson, won the annual University cross country race on Saturday when he beat 44 Varsity and Freshmen across the finish line. He finished in 23 minutes, 12 seconds, including his one minute, 55 seconds heads start.

Heavily favored Gil Stewart, Senior runner who has captured first place honors for two years in a row, was kept out of the contest by a bothersome toothache. Also missing from the three mile grind were several Varsity men who were prevented from starting because of illness.

Trailing Jillson by 27 seconds across the line came Junior Hugh Tuttle, but the real here of the afternoon was last year's Freshman star, Bill Palson, who finished third in the race but whose actual elapsed time was the fastest. Of the eleven men starting from scratch, he was the first to finish with a time of 23:49, which brought him the Varsity time prize.

Following him in order across the finish line came Sophomore Phil Foisie, Junior Bob Kent, who was the second scratch runner to break the tape, and Junior Bob Troescher. John Sopka, the only other scratch runner to finish in the first ten, came in seventh, while two Yardlings, Paul Coggins and Hamilton Hughes placed eighth and ninth.

Yardling Dick Bryan, who finished eleventh, took the Freshmen time prize.
