
Hu Flung Flings 'Em

"I can't unnerStannard," wheezed the Sage of the Age, coming out from Heiden after a Summers rest. "We're Cohen to Philly and there's no Laws about my knockin" em Stiff with my Mallett. We're getting Whittler and Whittler, and that's no Lyman. We made a Row last year by Tine 'em, and this year we'll raise Kane and swamp 'em 14 to 7." Bates 0  New Hampshire 20 Columbia 7  Brown 14 Cornell 20  Syracuse 13 Dartmouth 80  Amherst 13 Fordham 21  Southern Methodist 19 Holy Cross 54  Providence 6 Navy 20  West Virginia 20 Princeton 19  Williams 0 Yale 7  Virginia 20 Duke 7  Tennessee 0 Michigan 14  Iowa 6 Notre Dame 27  Indiana 7 Southern California 14  Ohio State 13 Stanford 20  U. C. L. A. 14
