

Parking Problem Studied; New War Libraries Planned

A bureau to investigate complaints about unfair prices or poor service of Harvard Square stores will shortly be set up by the Student Council. This is the most important of several now activities outlined by the Council at its recent meeting.

The "Consumer's Aid" bureau is an attempt to aid students who feel that they are being charged an exorbitant price for merchandise or are not being given for adequate and thorough service for the price which they are asked to pay.

Handles Student Complaints

With several members in each House and Freshman Hall, the committee will attempt to handle each problem individually. Students who feel they are treated unfairly should complain to one of these members, who will take it up with the store officials.

Heading the Council committee is F. Barton Harvey '43, with John Holabird '42 and Thomas Matters '43 as his assistants. These men will choose extra-Council students to help the central committee as representatives of the various buildings. When these members are chosen their names will be printed in the CRIMSON, and students are urged to explain their problems to them.


Parking Problem Considered

Under the direction of John W. Sullivan '43, another Council Committee is studying the parking problem. Several vacant lots have been discovered, but it is felt that even if these were turned into parking lots they would not greatly relieve the situation.

War Libraries Increased

In an attempt to bring the war libraries of the Houses up to date, the Council will shortly add at least 14 new books to the existing collections. Furthermore, plans are under way to add libraries in the Union and Commuter's Center.

Another move undertaken at the Council's meeting was the setting up of a general coordinating committee to work with the newly-organized Emergency Defense Service Committee. Two members of the Council, Charles Bridge '42 and Peter MacGowan '42, will work with three PBH representatives. The coordinating committee will try to unify the work of the HLU, SDL and Faculty Committees, which are all trying to improve relations between Harvard and the various services.
