Because the present system of restricted inter-House meals has received so much criticism from the students, and in order to lighten the burden of bookkeeping, the committee of House Masters has adopted an experimental plan which permits unlimited visiting in other dining halls, Dean Hanford announced last night.
However, he stressed the word "experimental," emphasizing that if the new privilege were abused it would quickly be abolished.
Aldrich Durant, Business Manager of the University, was not available last night for a complete explanation of the workings of the plan, which will go into effect immediately.
System Reduces Bookkeeping
Presumably students will still sign green slips for inter-House meals, and must have their names endorsed as usual by their host. "The House Masters decided to experiment with the more flexible system as a means of saving money," said Dean Hanford. The bookkeeping in Lehman Hall has been expensive and complicated because of the charge which was added to the host's board bill if his guest overstepped the limit of three inter-House meals a week.
The question of unrestricted inter-House meals had been brought up before, but beyond a meagre recommendation by the House Committee chairmen to alter the old system, nothing had been done until the Masters met last Tuesday. The strongest argument against a change allowing more meals in other halls was that certain dissatisfied undergraduates might form the habit of eating regularly in neighboring Houses.
But apparently this point has been disregarded; one of the House Masters who could be reached last night, said that in all probability the several dining halls would be able to assimilate even those cases. Furthermore, in practice it has worked out that the inter-House exchange is generally uniform. There is no reason to believe that any one House should be overburdened when the new plan goes into effect.
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