

To the Editor of the Crimson:

This is an appeal to those interventionists whose position is founded on an honest concern for the best interests of America, and who do not believe that the labor movement has been a disaster to this nation-as Churchill says of England. Such claims against American labor are false....

The present struggle of 55,000 United Mine Workers to obtain for themselves a pitifully modest share of the vast profits of the United States Steel Corporation (a national defense fat-cat if ever there was one) may end in the complete destruction of organized labor in America. The purpose of our going to war is to preserve our hard-won' rights and freedoms... the destruction of those rights and freedoms in the process robs you of all justification for going to war.

Therefore, if you are sincere in your professions of concern for America, you must make known by every means at your disposal that you completely oppose any settlement of current labor disputes by force.

I especially challenge the Crimson to show its colors on this issue. David K. Eichler.   Harvard Committee Against   Military Intervention.
