Ever since Law Professor A. James Casner set up house in Room 20, University Hall, last Friday for the express purpose of advising and placing men who have to face selective service or defense vocations, his hands have been so full that he hasn't even been able to get home in time for 7 o'clock supper.
The great bulk of the students who have been going to him are Seniors who will have to meet the military situation directly after they graduate next June. Theirs is a problem of making themselves flexible for opportunities which might (with the emphasis on the "might") be open at that time. Casner is most qualified to guess at the possibilities and advise the courses which will be useful preparation.
Has Job Information
More urgent, but less numerous, are the undergraduates of voting age who are on Uncle Sam's books of the next few months. Immediate opportunities not preparation courses, are what they want to know about. And for this group Casner need not play the crystal gazer: he has the information on hand.
He not only knows the requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of all branches of the Service, but also has access to such helpful morsels as the Government's recent request for 3,000 Army airplane navigators to be recruited during October, November, and December.
Even broader questions come up for this "immediate problem" group. In some cases there is a possibility of postponing induction, though the student may not be aware of it. In other cases the prospective draftee might do better to enlist before he is called. The advice is as varied as the individual situation.
Civilian Angle Also
Aside from inquiring about different branches of the Service, a few want to look into civilian opportunities. This deals with the student's chances of getting a job working for the O.P.M. or some similar governmental department, and is especially difficult to guarantee because any such vacancies are easily filled from other sources.
Some 50 men have received valusory Service to find out what voluntary extra-curricular defense work they can do on the side.
Some fifty men have received valuable help from Law Professor Casner in the last week. Every appointment has been filled so far, several even overflowed into off hours, and next week has been almost completely booked up in advance.
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