With a program of action ranging from cooperation with the P.B.H. Civilian Defense Committee in lodging draftees on weekend leave, to investigating sweatshop conditions in student-patronized laundries, the Harvard Liberal Union got under way at its first meeting of the year in the Kirkland House Common Room last night.
With a few minor revisions, the H.L.U. adopted the policy statement proposed by its executive committee calling for all possible political, economic, and military aid to the nations fighting Hitler and his allies, supporting the maintenance and extension of democracy at home, and urging "democratic terms of peace . . . as a part of the fight to win the war . . ."
Urge War When Strategic
A resolution submitted from the floor favoring a declaration of war when strategically best, was passed, but a resolution favoring immediate declaration was tabled pending a referendum of the entire H.L.U. membership.
Among the committees set up to carry on the Liberal Union's activities are a Propaganda and Morale Committee which will work with Psychology Department members in studying examples of propaganda, in action, as well as questions of student morale.
A Radio and Drama Committee which will write and produce stage plays and radio scripts, and a College Questions Committee which will attempt to deal with such problems as the effect of the recent migration of professors to Washington and the three-year graduation plan.
A Legislative Committee will keep its eye on legislation, particularly that which is anti-civil liberties, both at the State House and in Congress, while a Labor Committee will continue some of the research work for labor unions carried on by the H.L.U. last year, and will investigate conditions in industries and business patronized by Harvard students. A War Aims Committee will hold a series of discussions and forums.
Also passed were resolutions condemning the statute under which the deportation of Harry Bridges has recently been ordered, and also "the devious convictions and exorbitant jail sentences of Early Browder and Fritz Kuhn."
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