The Seven-year Integrated Law Plan, like National Defense, is much less integrated than confused. Several days ago it came embarrassingly close to being nothing but a Faculty administrative board with no students to administrate. Since then the revolting undergraduates have been partially mollified by Dean Landis' assurance that drafted men will probably be awarded their A.B. degrees if they have completed four years of study; yet doubts and uncertainty still cloud the problems, large and small, raised by the unique program.
Dean Landis supposes that a draftee unable to complete the Law Plan will be given his bachelor's degree. However, few students enrolled in the course would like to take a chance, no matter how small, of not having a sheepskin to show for four years' effort, and the Faculty committee with final authority in the matter has not as yet taken a stand. The would-be lawyers complain of a shortage of information, that the committee in charge has not communicated new regulations, and that their tutors are as ignorant of the Plan as they are. Only when liaison is reestablished between students and Faculty, and when a definite commitment on degrees is forthcoming, will peace reign once more over a program with remarkable possibilities for growth and success.
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