

Poll Returns Negligible; Students Seem Apathetic

Since no more than half a dozen parking-problem ballots printed recently in the CRIMSON were returned to the Student Council's Committee on Parking, the Council has decided to abandon the idea of appealing to the University for conversion of vacant lots into parking space.

The initial report by the Parking Committee indicated that numerous complaints of existing facilities had been discovered, but that no single solution of the problems could be found that satisfied all car-owners. The only conclusion that could be drawn from the poor response to the balloting was that feeling on the question was not strong enough to warrant further investigation.

On the fire was a proposal to convert two vacant lots owned by the University near Dunster and Leverett House into parking spaces which would have accomodated 60 cars in all. Without strong support from student auto-owners, Council appeals to the Administration would have lost their effectiveness.

One of the strongest complaints reported by the Parking Committee before the ballots were printed was the price charged for indoor and outdoor parking. Garage rates in Cambridge, however, are no higher than those in other parts of Boston.
