

Freshman Soccer

"Polly" (Iuyda has only a mediocore Freshman squad with which to begin his career as Harvard's Yardling soccer coach. This is Polly's first year with the Freshmen after working with the Jayvees. When Jim McDonald moved up to replace Jack Carr as Varsity mentor last spring, Polly stepped into Mac's old cleats.

When at the opening of the season more than seventy Freshmen turned out, Polly had hopes of a team which would even top the record of last season's outstanding eleven. Although he still has about forty boys reporting to him daily, his high-flying dreams of a history-making team have returned to earth.

With four contests under their belts, his boys are just beginning to look and play like a real ball club. Their 5-0 victory over Nicholls Junior College was the first sign of a unified effort.

Teamplay Proves Tough Nut

The toughest problem with any Freshman squad is to teach the Individuals, having varied training and experience, to play together. To date, the forty-fivers have tackled only one freshman squad, Dartmouth, which would be on the same basis of lack of teamwork. They lost this perennially different battle 3-0. Their other opponents have netted them two wins and a tie.


Individual talent is perhaps the easiest quality to unveil in a group of Freshmen, and Polly seems to have no major worries in that department. He has already discovered a number of potential stars about whom he is building his aggregation.

Chief among these are the goalie Doug Thompson and center half Adam Foster. Thompson, a lanky, agile ball handler, gained his experience guarding the Exeter nets last year. Foster, who with three tallies stands as highest scorer of the moment, is a big, cool-headed player whom Polly can depend on to keep the team settled down.

In addition to Foster, the leading scorers and most capable offensive players seem to be inside Paul Morgan, a fast, clever spark-plug, and Jim Apthorp, one of the best all-around forwards on the squad, at the other inside. The outside positions seem to be slightly weaker than the center of the line.

Starters Remain Uncertain

Mac Osborne, who never played before, has the edge at right wing while the left flank is a toss-up between Tom Langner and Bob Makinson. Fred Carr and "Rip" Ripley are fighting it out for the center forward slot, with 10 second man Carr receiving the starting assignment Wednesday.

The defense boasts Foster at center half with Steve Glidden and either Apthorp or Bill Cook flanking him. In Dick Forster, Polly has found an exceptionally powerful, two-foot kicker, who in time is expected to equal the feats of Olie Taylor and Bab Harrison who became first-string Varsity fullbacks this fall. Hugh Hadley, another long-distance booter, pairs with Forster.

Ahead of them, the Freshmen face a difficult campaign of six games. This Saturday they travel to Andover and the following weekend to Exeter. On the bus returning from the Andover contest, the squad will elect a captain.
