
P.B.H. Committee to Coordinate Student Defense Service Work

Houses May Soon Open Up Facilities to Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines on Leave

Two major steps in the organization of a concrete College program of defense activity were revealed last night. First, Harry Newman Jr., '42, President of Brooks House, announced the establishment of an Emergency Defense Service Committee to act as a clearing house for requests for U.S.O. and citizen defense leaders and social service work connected with the national emergency.

The new committee will work with representatives of the Student Council and of other organizations such as the Harvard Liberal Union and the Student Defense League, which have volunteered to handle such aspects of the new program as obviously fall outside of the scope of P.B.H.

It will have its headquarters in Brooks House, where it will receive all requests. It will then shuffle these to the appropriate organization. P.B.H. itself will provide entertainers and lecturers for Army and Navy groups, and will send social service volunteers to the areas near the Charlestown Navy Yard and the Water town Arsenal which are now overcrowded with defense workers.

Open House for Soldiers

Second, the Adams House Committee passed a resolution currently being circulated among all the House Committees providing for the opening of the House facilities to Service men on leave.


Under the proposed plan, each House would play host to 14 men a weekend. The guests would eat two or three meals in the dining room and make use of the common rooms and possibly the libraries. In addition they would be invited to special lectures and dances, and given reduced rates on tickets to athletic events.

The Emergency Defense Service Committee will be composed of the following men: Harry Newman, Jr. '42. Thomas P. Barnefield '42, and E. Bernard Fleischaker '42, of Brooks House; Charles S. Bridge '42, and Peter Magowan '42, of the Student Council; and leaders of the cooperating organizations.
