

Group Claims 25 Members So Far, Plans Action Soon

Free Frenchmen all over the world will be supported to the limit in their fight against Nazism by the Harvard unit of "France Forever" which has just formed to gain college backing for the national movement.

Twenty-five members have to date joined under the leadership of George Gerard '43 operating from their headquarters next to those of the Student Defense League on the fourth floor of Shepard Hall at 34 Holyoke St.

Support DeGaulle

Pledged "to provide all possible support to all Frenchmen who have refused to accept Nazi domination," to inform the people of France of the progress of General DeGaulls's movement, and to put the skill and experience of French military experts at the disposal of the U. S. Army and Navy Departments, the Harvard unit maps an active campaign.

While separate, from their Defense League neighbors the new group will co-operate closely with the older organization, and will follow the other's lead in sponsoring speakers at open meetings in the College.


May Broadcast on WRUL

In addition, they hope to make news broadcasts over the world's most powerful shortwave station, WRUL in Boston, which is accumulating fame as an arouse of world-wide resistance to Hitler.

Gerard emphasized that membership in no way depends on one's knowledge of French or on one's nationality, citing as proof that at present the organization includes students of French, English, Rumanian, Czechoslovakian, and American nationalities.

Just beginning to take root in colleges throughout the country, "France Forever" is springing up locally at Radcliffe and Wellesley as well as at Harvard.

Two Faculty Advisors

Howard C. Rice, Faculty instructor in Romance Languages, and Edward D. Sullivan, instructor in French, rate as Faculty advisors along with officers Gerard, Serban VaDimaresco '43, vice-president, and Patrick Staeble '45, secretary.

Any who wish further information, or who are interested in joining the moveters on Holyoke Street on Monday, ment, will be received at the Headquar- Wednesday, and Friday from 4 to 6 o'clock, Tuesday from 1 to 2 o'clock, or Thursday from 2 to 3 o'clock.
