Miss Ann Sheridan, who has become of late the King Charles' head of the Big Three magazine editors, popped onto the front pages again last night, undoubtedly to the annoyance of the Cambridge reading public.
The Oomph Girl's latest episode takes place in the lair of the Princeton Tiger, but like many of her cinema appearances, it has that faintly reminiscent "this-is-where-I-came-in" odor.
The Nassau Lit, Princeton's country club edition of the Advocate, not only emulated its Harvard confreres' election of the much-publicized Hollywood charmer yesterday, but also added the honorary post of circulation editor.
"We invited Miss Sheridan to Cambridge as our guest," wearily announced Advocate President Marvin Barrett '42 last night, "but not to build up our circulation. Since Ann Sheridan has been in films, the 'circulation' of the editorial board of the Advocate has been pepped up."
Coles Phinizy '42, President of the 'Poon, who burned his fingers in an escapade with one Hollywood actress last spring, maintained his stubborn if ungallant resistance to saying anything favorable to "Nannie."
"The Lampoon regrets that it has no editorial positions open," he said yesterday, "but if Miss Sheridan is looking for a job, we have some connections in Hollywood and may be able to get her a bit part."
Word is expected from the Yale Lit and the Yale Record tomorrow, as Yale boys are always happy to jump on any bandwagon.
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