
Local Red Cross Will Offer First Aid Course

Classes Starting in P.B.H. Require 20 Hours' Work

The American Red Cross, Cambridge Chapter, will conduct a class in the administration of first aid for the members of the University beginning next week in Phillips Brooks House.

Sponsored by the Student Defense League in cooperation with the P. B. H. Emergency Defense Service Committee, the course requires 20 hours of work. This is divided into 10 lessons of two hours each, one lesson a week. The course will cover the fundamentals of emergency treatment for burns, cuts, and similar injuries: use of medications; applications of splints, bandages, and tourniquets; and relief for cases of fainting, drowning, suffocation, and poisoning. These who complete the course will receive the official Red Cross certificate for first aid. There is a charge of $1.00 by the Red Cross to cover the cost of the manual used.

Obviously the material covered is invaluable in times of peace as well as during a war. As there is only a limited number in the class, those who want to take the course should sign up immediately on the appropriate threats on the main bulletin boards of the Houses and the Union, or phone Eliot 2786.
