

286 Carry Double Load of Instruction, War Tasks

Five hundred and fifty-one members of the University's Faculties are doing war work of some type, according to a survey undertaken at the request of the American Council on Education and printed in the current Alumni Bulletin.

Only 25 men have resigned from the staff in the interests of national defense or offense, and 84 have been granted leaves of absense since September, 1940 for the same purpose.

286 on Double Duty

By far the largest number of this group, 286 are engaged in defense work of some type as well as carrying all or part of their regular teaching tasks, while 21 teachers are engaged in parttime activities in Washington without taking leave of absence.

In addition, 59 Faculty members are devoting substantially full-time to courses connected with problems of defense, and the second semester will probably see this number increased because of new courses and those repeated from the fall term.


After the Council's survey, it was announced that the Fifth General Hospital, Harvard University Unit, will be called immediately to service. This means that 33 more members of the Faculty of Medicine must be added to the list of those who have been given leave of absence for emergency duties.

To offset the loss of Faculty members, the number of sabbatical leaves of absence have been greatly cut down, and the only two professors on sabbaticals for the second half year offered their regular courses during the first semester.
