After four years of dilly-dallying the Board of Supervisors has hit upon a plan to aid bewildered Freshmen through the mazes of Mid-year examinations. Reviews will be given this year in fifteen Freshman courses to those men who feel that they need help and are willing to pay fifty cents. This idea is not revolutionary but it is concrete in its set-up. Up until now the Supervisors only helped to plan the work of a student, not giving a resume of courses or pointing out the possible stumbling blocks in the examinations.
Although the scheme has not had time to prove its mettle, it does satisfy a crying need which was once supplied by the now illegal commercial tutoring schools. The guidance which will be given to the Freshmen will help them get the hang of studying for a difficult examination rather than have them spend useless hours of reading unimportant details.
This move by the College is a sure sign of more direction and supervision. It is a sign that the Administration realizes that when a Freshman starts his college career he is not in any way prepared for the shock of his first Mid-year. With the coming of this personal touch the rate of mortality among Freshmen should take a happy decline.
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