Harvard's Liberal Union was one of the chief organizers of a national student political society advocating all material aid to England and China and promoting hemisphere defense.
Meeting at the annual convention of the International Student Service on December 27, 28, and 29 at New Brunswick, New Jersey, liberal student leaders from colleges throughout the country drew a platform for the new Student League for Progressive Action and will present it to their respective local groups upon their return to school. The Liberal Union will vote on formal affiliation at its next meeting.
Ames Approves New Group
H. L. U. President Edward Ames '42 stated in regard to the S. L. P. A., "I hope this organization will be able to unite the liberals in the colleges and provide them with a leadership which is now lacking." Ames and the other officers of the Liberal Union were active in organizing the new group and in designing its constitution which parallels the Union's own platforms.
The S. L. P. A. stands for keeping out of war "now" but supplying England and China with all material aid and placing an embargo on Japan. Its domestic platform recognizes that the United States "must maintain and extend economic and political democracy at home" and stresses the promotion of a powerful national and hemisphere defense.
The S. L. P. A. has no connection with the International Student Service at the convention of which it was founded. The Student Service is a non-political organization chiefly concerned with helping refugees from Europe. It has no interest in foreign or national politics or the "fight for increased social reforms" which dominant the S. L. P. A.'s platform.
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