Two new courses, Philosophy 2 on "the role of Christianity in the building of western civilization,' and English 190b, Literature and Democracy, will be given next half-year, it was announced yesterday.
Both courses will be "parade courses," given jointly by several men: English 190b by your members of the English Department and Philosophy 2 by six drawn from five departments. Enrollment in the former course will be limited to 20 or 25 Juniors and Seniors who are honor candidates; there are no prerequisites for admission to Philosophy 2.
Cute Departmental Lines
The new Philosophy course illustrates the current trend toward breaking down and cutting across departmental lines, Under the direction of William E. Hocking '01, Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity, the course will include lectures on a series of related topics given by Faculty bigwigs.
Roscoe Pound, University Professor, will lecture on "Christianity Western Law," Archibald T. Davidson '06, Professor of Choral Music, on Christianity and Music," and Kenneth J. Conant '15, professor of Archaeology, on "Christianity and Architecture." Christianity and the Social Order" will be discussed by Talcott Parsons, associate professor of Sociology, and "Christianity and Mental Health" by Gordon Allport, associate professor of Psychology.
The course will include an examination of various philosophical interpretations of Christianity, including interpretations given by its critics, Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche, and Spengler. The relation of Christianity to contemporary issues will also be discussed.
Four to Give English 190b
Literature and Democracy will be given by Theodore Spencer, associate professor of English, Harry T. Levin '33, faculty instructor in English. Francis O. Matthiessen, associate professor of History and Literature, and Perry G. E. Miller, associate professor of History and Literature.
Meeting from 2 to 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoons, the course will take the form of a discussion group. Among the problems which will be covered are the influences if social theory on literature, and the position of creative literature in the present day democratic society.
Also up for discussion will be the contrast between Mill and Carlyle, and between Tolstoi and Pater.
Students wishing to take English 190b may fill out application blanks which are available in Holyoke 16
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