
Student Council Gives $642 in Scholarships

26 Needy Upperclassmen Get Awards Totaling $200 More Than Last Year

E. Langdon Burwell '41, Treasurer of the Student Council, yesterday announced that $642 have been given to members of the college in the form of scholarships; this is an increase of two hundred dollars over the sum given last year.

Members of the Class of 1941 who received awards are: B. D. Shea, R. P. Stevens, Nathan Belfer, Wingate Green, Gerald Alter, J. W. Cooper, E. A. Campbell, Lorence Rapoport, J. P. Driscoll, Felix Heimberg, and Charles Backett.

Members of the Class of 1942 who received awards are: Paul Carp, Ames L. Proctor, Robert Nassan, Bertram Staff, Thorwill Brehmer, Edmund J. Haris, Robert Navin, R. T. Sceery, and T. A. Herzfeld.

Members of the Sophomore Class who received awards are: A. T. von Mebren, John F. Harvey, A. Peter Ruderman, Robert K. Weary, Adam Yarmolinsky, and M. Richter.

These scholarships are given by the Council to those in financial need and according to scholastic ability. The money is taken from the annual pledges and contributions made by members of the College at registration.
