

Stillman's 64 Beds Booked To Capacity For Week

Fast exercise and plenty of sleep is the prescription of Dr. Arlie V. Bock for all students who want honor grades in their midyear examinations.

Henry K. Oliver Professor of Medicine and head of the Hygiene Department, Dr. Bock said yesterday that "many students defeat their own purpose by attempting to study for six hours at a stretch. It is my opinion that they can do better by breaking up the day with some form of fast exercises such as a squash game instead of thinking that they can stay at their desk throughout the day during the exam period.

"Any form of fast exercise with other people will rest your brain more than anything you can do," he said.

Busiest Day in History

At the same time Dr. Bock reported that the clinic at the Hygiene Department had its busiest day in history Monday, treating 170 students for colds or grippe. Stillman Infirmary's 64 beds have been full for the past week, and the Hygiene Department has been taking care of 15 students in their rooms, sending a doctor around to see them every day.


The common cold accounts for most of the illness throughout the University, with only five cases of genuine influenza diagnosed up to Tuesday, Dr. Bock said. "Despite the prevalence of respiratory infections, we have been unusually lucky in having very few complications. So far there have been only two cases of pneumonia and two middle ear infections."

Refusing to recommend any patent remedies, Dr. Bock advised anyone with a cold coming on to stay as quiet as possible. "I always stay in bed when I have a cold and I shake it off within three or four days while you students who insist on ignoring your colds go around the campus hacking your throats but for three weeks."
