Radcliffe and Wellesley will each spend a weekend during February in the North country with the Harvard Outing Club, according to plans announced recently in the first issue of the club "dope" sheet. These joint trips feature an active program that will begin with the end of the midyear examinations.
Alfred L. Chute '41 will be the leader of a group which will leave Cambridge on January 25 for nine days skiing in Vermont and Canada. Five days will be spent at Saint Sauveur des Monts in the Laurentians before the group will turn back to Cambridge for the opening of the winter term.
Barn Dance Featured
The Tamworth region in New Hampshire will be the center for the Harvard-Radcliffe weekend scheduled for the first and second of February, and a special barn dance is slated for Saturday night. The next weekend Wellesley College finishes midyears, and the girls from Lake Waban will be off to Intervale, where they will play hostess to a delegation of Cantabrigians.
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