
'Heresy About Hearsay' Topic Of Law School Talk Tomorrow

J. M. Maguire to Speak in Langdell In One of Public Lecture Series

"Heresy about Hearsay" will be the subject of a free, public Law Lecture tomorrow evening by Professor J. M. Maguire, of the Law School Faculty, at 8 o'clock in the courtroom of Langdell Hall.

This is one of a series of free, public lectures on legal subjects of interest both to the legal profession and the general public, currently offered by the Law School. Subsequent lectures in the series will be: February 5, "Dispositions of Property: The Use and Drafting of Class Gifts," by Amirow J. Casner, professor of Law: February 12. "Dispositions of Property: The Use and Drafting of Trust Provisions," by Austin W. Scott, Dane Professor of Law; February 19. "Dispositions of Property; The Influence of Taxation," by Erwin W. Griswold, professor of Law; and March 5, lecture by Professor Harold N. Haselline, of Cambridge University, England now doing research at Harvard.
