
Frenchmen and Milton Are '44 Puck Victims

O'Neill Plugs Goal Three Times in Succession; Burton, Evarts Shine

'1944's high-flying hockey team added two more victims to its already imposing record over the weekend when the Freshman six edged out Mr. St. Charles 2 to 0 Friday at Providence, and swamped a Milton Academy sextet 8 to 0 Saturday afternoon at Milton.

Goalie Grover O'Neill now has string of three consecutive shutouts to his credit, as the score of last Tuesday's game with Noble and Greenough stood at 4 to 0. Thus the not result of a week's activity by the Yardlings shows three games won, none lost, and fourteen goals scored against the opposition's none.

John Burton put the Crimson ahead in the Mt. St. Charles contest when he slammed the puck by the Providence goalie early in the first period. Dave Baldwin was credited with an assist on the play. Later in the same period Al Evarts scored on a long, screened shot for an unassisted tally. This burst of power, however, concluded the scoring for both sides. Although showing signs of improvement, the Freshmen were unable to exert a telling pressure; for with seven Frenchmen in the bastille at one time or another during the third period, Hodder's charges were unable to augment their winning margin.

Milton provided the Freshmen with little or no opposition the following day. Before the fray was over the Yardlings had eight counters to their credit, while O'Neill had his third shutout.

Evarts, with two goals and an assist, and Alex Macmillan, with a goal and a pair of assists, led the assault on the schoolboys. Marcus Beebe, Baldwin, Burton, "Olie" Taylor, Earle Acker, Captain Al Reeves, and Charlie Cowen also participated in the rout.


For the first time this year Hodder iced a fourth line, and also gave the defensemen who back up Reeves and Cowen more of an opportunity to display their talents than in previous contests.
