
Leg Injury Keeps Ayres Out of Amherst Opener

Examinations Hold Up Signal Drill; Practice Games Today at 2:30

Prevalence of Bible and Shakespeare exams among Varsity gridders forced Dick Harlow to delay yesterday's practice until 5 o'clock. The squad went through a light but spirited workout lasting about an hour and a half.

Confirmation came on the report that Burgy Ayres' leg injury is serious; Harvard medicos say that he will have to be kept out of action for at least one week. He is definitely out of the Amherst game and no better than a question mark for Michigan the following Saturday.

Practice Game

Today's practice game will start at 2:30 o'clock, and the coaches are hoping that it will settle some position fights in addition to giving several men a chance to earn red jerseys. With the exception of Ayres, Lyle, Guild, Forte, and Heiden, the entire squad will take part in the encounter.

Yesterday's practice was featured by another snappy signal drill in which the A team continued to pick up valuable timing and polish. Kickoff practice and pass offense also came in for attention in the late drill. A few stragglers reported for football yesterday and it was announced that Ted Lyman is being given a try at center. Charley Spreyer was on hand but spent most of his time with the C outfit.


The A lineup: le MacKinney,; lt Miller; lg Peabody; c Dietz; rg Koufman; rt Lowry; re Bsrues; qb Pfister; lh McNicol; rh Gordon; fb Gardella.

In today's A team Gardiner will replace Lowry at right tackle.
