
Few Changes Mark '40 Catalogue of Courses

Alphabetical Order of Fields Used; Simmons' Departure Leaves Gap

An Alphabetical order for the fields, and a number of changes among professors, from the major differences between this year's catalogue and last year's.

The alphabetical arrangement was used for the first time in ten years and makes the task of hunting for any given course a simple one. Formerly the courses were arranged by departments and divisions.

The departure of Ernest J. Simmons, assistant professor of Literature, left gaps in the English and Slavic departments. No one had been found to give English 5, and Slavic 6, his courses last year, but Victory de Gerard, instructor in Russian, will fill his place in Slavic, 110, and Samuel H. Cross, professor of Slavic, will teach both halves of Slavic 1, the second half of which Simmons taught last year.

Norman W. Mattis, instructor in Public Speaking, is taking over the place of Frank C. Packard, Jr., associate professor of English, in English F, Public Speaking.

Another change occurs in Latin A, in which Dr. Elder changed semesters with Mr. Callahan, the former now giving the first half of the course and the latter the second.
