

Group Includes Bertrand Russell on Philosophy

Ten distinguished scholars from universities in the United States and abroad will be Visiting Lecturers on the faculty during the academic year it was announced today.

Among the visiting scholars will be Professor Rudolf Carnap, of the University of Chicago, noted as one of the most distinguished of modern European Philosophers; Hertrand Russell, noted English philosopher, who will be William James Lecturer on Philosophy; Professor Charles E. Merriam, of the University of Chicago, noted authority on municipal government and American polities, who will be Visiting Lecturer on Government and also Godkin Lecturer; and Professor Kenneth S. Latourette, of Yale, authority on Christian missions and Oriental history, who will be William Belden Noble lecturer.

Other Visiting Scholars

Other, visiting scholars will include Josef Albers, Instructor in Design at Black mountain College, who will be Visiting Lecturer in Design; John F. Callahan, Instructor in Classics and Philosophy, Loyola University, in Greek and Latin; Dr. Kurt Goldstein, Clinical Professor of Neurology Columbia University, in psychology; Friedrich C. Sell, formerly Professor at the Paedagogische Akademic, Kassel, Germany, in German literature; Hans Stachle, formerly of the International Labor Office, Goneva, in economics; and Professor Oscar Zariski, of Johns Hopkins University, outstanding algebraic geometrist, in mathematics.

Members of the Harvard faculty assuming the title of full professor this fall include Professor Franklin E. Folis, in industrial management; Professor Henry A. Frost, in architecture; Professor George Sarton, in the history of science; Professor Albert Haertlein, in civil engineering; and Professors Andrew J. Casner, Paul A. Freund, Lon L. Fuller, and Milton Katz, in law.


Paul C. Mangelsderf, Vice Director if the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, of the Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, has been named Professor of Botany, and Assistant Director of the Botanical Museum.

In the Harvard House Plan this fall, Dr. Elliott Perkins, Lecturer in History, has become master of Lowell House, succeeding Professor Julian L. Coolidge; and Dr. Arthur E. Monroe, Lecturer on Economics, is Acting Master of Kirkland House in the absence on leave of Professor Walter E. Clark.

Dean's Office Changes

In the College Dean's office, Professor George H. Chase, Dean of the University, is Acting Dean of Harvard College, during the absence on leave of Dean A. C. Hanford. New Assistant Deans this fall are Christopher Huntington '32 and Francis Skiddy von Stade Jr. '38.

Professor Francis T. Spaulding, member of the Faculty of Education since 1924, has become Dean of the Graduate School of Education, succeeding Dean Henry W. Holmes, who has become Chairman of the new Harvard University Committee on Educational Relations.

Professors Sumner Slichter, Professor of Business Economics, enters tenure as first holder of the Lamont University Professorship, established by a gift of $500,000 from Thomas W. Lamont, Harvard '92, New York banker.
