
McGovern Will Lecture In Government Courses

Professor William McGovern of Northwestern University will be a visiting Lecturer in government during the coming year, it was learned yesterday, teaching two courses and giving graduate instruction.

An expert in the Far East, McGovern will give former Professor Rupert P. Emerson's course in Colonial possessions, Government 11b. Professor Emerson was called away last year to become Assistant Secretary of the Interior. He also will lecture in Government 121a on Modern Schools of Political Thought, a course last year given by Professor Watkins.

Professor Morris B. Lambie will continue Government 17a and give an additional course 17b on Municipal Administration, using material collected in his extensive research on the subject in the Littauer Center last year.

Known on the Northwestern campus for his so called "fur fez", Professor McGovern taught in the Government Department here three years ago.
