Upwards of 100 Yardling grid candidates will report to head coach Chief Boston and his assistants this afternoon after registration for the initial practice of the season. Physical examinations will start at 9 o'clock this morning.
Both Boston and his chief assistant, Joe Nee, will be beginning their first year as Freshmen football mentors. Boston was a Varsity quarterback for three years, while Nee starred at guard. Both men have had previous coaching experience Boston at Cleveland and Nee at the Wooster School in Danbury, Conncetient.
The supply desk in Dillon Field House will be open all day, and Freshmen are urged to come down as early as possible to draw their equipment.
As usual, there will probably be only a few prep school standouts in the Yardling crop reporting today, and inexperience will not count heavily against a candidate. Tom Bridge and Tom Cowan of Exeter, a lineman and back respectively; backfield men George Blanchard of Arlington and Wilson of Mercersburg all come to Harvard with established gridiron reputations.
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