

Information Service to Continue Until Tuesday

Through the aid of the Phillips Brooks House Information Bureau many a wandering Freshman has been directed to such obscure Cambridge landmarks as Memorial Hall, the Biological Laboratories, or the Music Building. This service, which is performed annually by P.B.H., will continue until Tuesday, according to Ray Dennett, Secretary of the House.

In order to fill the usual first Sunday afternoon blank for the new Freshman, Brooks House will sponsor a tea from 4 until 6 o'clock that afternoon, and there will be movies shown at 3:30. All members of the Class of 1944 are invited to drop in and get to know their class-mates and proctors.

Extra-Curricular Meeting

Saturday night will see a meeting of the Phillips Brooks House Cabinet, at which the organization's policy for the coming year will be determined, and Monday night the House will sponsor its annual meeting for all those interested in extra-curricular activities. At this captains of University teams and the heads of various organizations and publications will talk to all Freshmen interested about the work which their groups accomplish during the college year. Refreshments will be served.

As last year, P.B.H. will hold get-together Radcliffe-Harvard teas, except that now there will be three instead of two, those to be held September 30, October 2, and 4. At these it is hoped to provide Freshmen of both colleges an opportunity to establish lasting friendships.
