
Advocate Chooses Best Prep School Magazines

Also Consider Taking Over Duties As College Humor Periodical

The Advocate last night announced the results of its contest to select the best literary magazines of secondary schools throughout the country. The winners are selected for their literary quality and format.

This year's winner is the Vindex of the St. Mark's School. The Choate Literary Magazine was awarded the second prize. Honorable mention went to the Record, of the Hill School, and the Fountain Valley Magazine of the Fountain Valley High School, Colorado.

At the same time, Nelson R. Gidding, Secretary of the Advocate, said that the Board was considering going into the humorous magazine field next year. "We feel that Harvard must have some publication to take over the duties of printing witty fiction by undergraduates," Gidding stated.

The Advocate will not print cartoons, but it will probably let down the barriers to light, humorous fiction. "We are going to do more than print limericks. We would like to build up the reputation of being the most sparkling undergraduate publication in the country," Gidding added.
