

Klarnick Will Oppose Ayres on Mound in Return Match

Seeking its fourteenth straight win, Holy Cross's great ball team will invade Soldiers Field at 3 o'clock Saturday for the second game of a two game series and its first appearance in Boston.

With Captain Mike Klarnick slated to face Sophomore Burgy Ayres, the Crusaders rule odds on favorites to repeat their 8 to 2 win over the Crimson earlier in the season. In the first game Klarnick limited Harvard to seven hits for his third win in as many years.

Outstanding on the Holy Cross team are John Hanlon, star half-back on the football team, at first base, Bruno Malinowski, bruising full back and a heavy hitter in right field, and Alex Nahigian, also dangerous at the plate, in left field.

Best in East

The Worcester club has four shut-out victories to its credit and has defeated Yale and Dartmouth twice, Princeton, Tufts, Boston College and Colgate once each. They are rated the outstanding New England team, and one of the best in the country.


Much improved in its last engagements, the injury and probation-ridden Stahlmen should, however, prove a considerable obstacle for Coach Jack Barry's charges. Brightest light of the season is the pitching of Burgy Ayres, who, with Captain Tom Healey nursing a sore arm, has borne the main brunt of the mound work.

The Harvard infield now has Ed Buckley at first, Sam Merrill at second Fred Keyes at shortstop, and Gil Whittemore at third. Football Captain Torbert Macdonald and Les Pitchford play the outfield with either Bill Parsons or Leon Hartstone.

With an excellent 7 to 3 win from Northeastern and a beautifully pitched game lost to Columbia, 3 to 2 on a ninth inning error to his credit, Ayres shows poise and control that should lead him to future heights.
