

Combination Crew Opens Races--Rest Row Tomorrow

Cheering spectators will line the banks of the Thames river at New London today, as another of the age-old rowing contests with Yale gets under way. The two-day regatta starts with the combination race this afternoon, and continues tomorrow with the Freshman, Jayvee, and Varsity encounters.

Ed Leader, the Yale coach, over-stepped the usual limits of caution when recently brought up his Jayvee stroke to pace the Varsity eight. Crew is a sport in which the men practice together, but coach Leader took the chance of upsetting their smoothness in a last-minute attempt to improve the Eli first contingent.

According to reports, Yale is jittery even though their showing against Cornell, on paper at least, was better than Harvard's. Cornell beat the Blue squad by much less than she did Harvard, but the Ithacans were not nearly so powerful that day on the Housatonic as they were in their home waters against the Crimson two weeks later.

So Leader may have found it necessary to make a desperate attempt to increase the power of the boat at the expense of its smoothness, when he set Johnny Blain in the stroke seat of the Varsity.

The Harvard seatings, on the other hand, have remained unchanged throughout the entire training period at Red Top. During the opening days of the examination period three changes were made in the first boat, but they were only short-lived and the men who had been demoted returned to their positions.


No Rowing Times

Tom Bolles has refused to divulge rowing times, but after the strick schedule at Red Top all the crews should be in their best shape. In their last time-trial held yesterday, the Varsity led a tenacious Jayvee eight, all the way down the course, and judging by coach Bolles's expression at the finish, the results were very satisfactory.

The Harvard crews are certainly not overconfident, however, because Yale has done too well this season not to be a terrific threat. The Elis have beaten Columbia, Penn, Princeton, M.I.T. and Syracuse, while Crimson cars have flashed by Syracuse, M.I.T., B.U., Princeton, Penn, and Navy.

The Boatings:

Varsity: Stroke; J. Wilson; 7, R. Stevens; 6, S. Gray; 5, W. Kernan; 4, R. Fowler; 3, S. Goddard; 2, J. Richard; bow, H. Pirhie; cox, G. Shortlidge.
