
Four Travelling, Five Resident Followships Awarded by College

Award of nine graduate followships of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, totalling $12,000, for study in the next academic year, was announced by the University today.

Travelling fellowships were awarded to Francis W. Cleaves 7G, of Needham Heights; James R. Hightower 3G, of Salida, California; Neil E. Rawlingson 4G, of Montebello, California; and Charles C. Stelle 2G, of Cambridge. Resident fellowships went to Eugene P. Boardman 3G, of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin; Te-K'un Cheng 2B, of Kulangsu, Amoy, China; Yuliang Chou 1G., of Tientsin, China; Richard N. Frye 1G., of Danville, Illinois; and Sau-Yu Teng 2G., of Hunan, China.

The Yenching Institute contributes annually to the support of several institutions in China and allots to the University sums for the development of teaching and research in the language, literature, history, and art of the Far East.

Established in 1928, the Institute, in col-
