

President Conant Accepts Portrait of Retiring Master at Lowell House Banquet

The Portrait of Professor Julian L. Coolidge, Master of Lowell House, was presented to the University last night in a ceremony following the regular High table of the House. Making the presentation was Elliot Perkins, who will succeed Professor Coolidge, while President Conant accepted the gift for the University.

The occasion was marked by an air of informality and reminiscence. Following laudatory speeches by President Conant and Dr. Perkins, Professor Coolidge spoke at some length of his experience as teacher and House Master during the past forty years.

Chief among his problems as a new House Master, he mentioned such things as choice of room colors, deciding whether the floor should be checkered in the dining room, and blending the color of the table tops with the general atmosphere of the room.

Painted by Bernard Keyes of Boston, the portrait will hang in the Lowell House Common Room.

Further gifts of a silver inkstand to Miss E. N. Emery secretary of the House, a sketch of the portrart to Mrs. Coolidge, and a silver chronometer to Professor Coolidge were also made at the dinner.
