For the first time in the history of Phillips Brooks House, the Social Service Committee will publish a 20-page booklet describing its work, next fall to be distributed to all new Freshmen, it was announced yesterday by the committee chairman, Harry Newman, Jr. '42.
About 4,000 booklets will be printed, part to be given free to the Freshman Class and part to be sold to the various settlement houses, which will then distribute them around to other colleges in the Boston area.
The purpose of the new venture is to get more Yardlings interested in social service work and to get more colleges to take part. Harvard, represented by Brooks House, now has more men working in settlement house than any other college.
Although over 800 students have done such work this year, Newman pointed out that there is always a need for more workers. An attempt is also being made to enlist Radcliffe girls in order to fulfill a demand for about 100 girls.
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