
Mikkolamen Slush Dartmouth; Lightbody, Donahue Top Men

Best Time of Career for Donshu As Lightbody Cops Quarter, Half-mile Runs

Jaako Mikkola's cindermen swam to a victory over Dartmouth by a 71 and two-fifths to 81 and one-third score Saturday afternoon. The times of the running events were remarkable considering that the season has just begun.

Although the weather was fairly clear at 12:30 o'clock when the first event started, it started to rain about midway in the meet. By the end of the afternoon the rain was coming down in torrents.

Don Donahue and Captain Jim Lightbody scored doubles for the Crimson, while Ritter accounted for ten points for the Indians. Winning the hundred yard dash, Ritter broke the Dartmouth record with a 9.9 second performance.

The Indians took eight points in the event, with Heinbokel finishing second. Owing to the absence of sprinters Torby Macdonald and Charley Smith, quarter miler Ted Meredith was drafted to run in the sprints. Meredith ran third in the hundred 4 tenths of a second behind Ritter and fourth in the 220 in the time of 23.2 seconds.

Despite a strain in his leg, Donahue ran the 120-yard high hurdles in 14.7 seconds, the best time of his career. He also covered the 220-yard low hurdle route in 24 seconds. This is only half a second or about four yards behind the best time made in the country this year. In the Penn relays Donahue's performance would have earned him first place, for the event was won with a time of 14.8 seconds.


Lightbody, winning two events, ran the quarter in 49.2 seconds. His time of 1 minute 58 seconds in the half-mile run to complete the double was good enough to outstrip his rivals by five yards.

Perhaps the best performance of the day was turned in by Roger Shafer. He ran second to Donahue in the hurdles, running the 120-yard highs in 14.8 seconds, his best performance to date. Pushed into the 220-yard dash because of the absence of the regular sprinters, he finished second in the creditable time of 22.2 seconds.

In the field events, Nat Heard stood out with a first in the discus throw and a second in the shotput, which was won by Howie Mendel.
