

High Advance Registrations Indicate Successful Forty-Third Annual; May 19 "Harvard Day" at Fair

Advance registrations from points as far distant as California are pouring into the Harvard Club of New York City, host to the forty-third annual meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs which will be held in New York on May 17, 18, and 19.

Affiliated clubs now total 124, organized into ten American divisions, ranging from New England to Hawaii, in addition to Canadian, European, and Oriental divisions. Their activities include provision of scholarships, bringing speakers from the University to the various clubs, job placement, and study of the welfare of the University.

Symposium Friday Evening

A major feature of the varied activities for the three days will be a four-part discussion of the theme "Our Expanding Horizons" in a symposium at the Metropolitan Opera House, Friday evening May 17. Thomas W. Lamont '92, honorary chairman of the Executive Committee, will open the meeting, introducing President Conant, who will preside.

A committee of alumni, present or former members of the board of overseers or of the Corporation, arranging the symposium include James Byrne '77, Grenyille Clark '03, Walter S. Gifford '04, N. Penrose Hallowell '97, Augustus N. Hand '90:


Learned Hand '93, Henry James '99, Thomas W. Lamont '92, Frederick Roy Martin '93, Langdon P. Marvin '98, J. P. Morgan '89, Henry S. Morgan '23, James H. Perkins '98, Elithu Root, Jr. '06, the Rev. Minot Simons '91, and George Whitney '07.

Election of Officers

Howard C. Reid '12, secretary of the committee, is vice-president for the Eastern division of the Associated Harvard Clubs. Business sessions Friday and Saturday will include elections of officers and a choice of site for next year's meeting.

Entertainment phases of the program include open house at the Harvard Club, the annual dinner at the Hotel Astor on Saturday evening, and Sunday at the World's Fair, which has been officially designated "Harvard Day."

This year's gathering is the first to be held in New York since 1912. An attendance of more than 2,000 is expected, the largest of any such meeting held outside of Cambridge.
