
Cordingley Leads Golfers to 9 to 0 Victory Over Bruins

Team Will Face Dartmouth at Hanover Today With Same Lineup

The Crimson golfers under the lead of Ace Cordingley yesterday took Brown University at Manchester in an unanimous score of 9-0.

Cordingley won his match from Graham, two up; Watty Dickerman won one up over Brown's Paine. Harvard won the best-ball two-some composed of Brown's Graham and Paine one up, while Bob Graves took Patterson six and five.

Gerry Davis beat Hall, and the Crimson here won best ball three and two. D. Donald Peddie won three and two over Blomstedt; Pete McGowan took Danforth five and three to go while the Crimson greensters here conquered in the best ball four and three.


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