Phillips Brooks House has announced that Thomas H. E. Quimby '40 has been appointed assistant to the Graduate Secretary for next year. He will assist in the general management of the House.
John A. Steele has been appointed Student Counsellor dealing with vocational information. He is now a vocational counsellor at Boston University, where he obtained a B.S. and a M.A. in 1934. He has studied at the Harvard School of Education, at Heidelberg, and at Columbia Teachers' College.
The P.B.H. Committee also announced that their old clothes drive will be held from June 3 to 14. Athletic equipment, old clothes, magazines, and textbooks, especially in elementary language and science courses, are particularly needed. All of the material collected will be given to college men who need it, and to the Cambridge Family Welfare, the Red Cross, and the Seamen's Fund.
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