

Committee Aims to Collect $1200 for Fund Drive; John F. Kennedy Named Chairman

Sixteen students have formed a committee to raise money at Harvard to contribute to the Red Cross drive for funds for the relief of the invaded nations of Europe, it was announced yesterday.

A goal of $1,200 has been established for the University according to John F. Kennedy '40, chairman of the undergraduate committee, and the money is to be collected in Red Cross bowls placed at the doors of the House dining halls, the Freshman Union, Boylston Hall, and Widener Library.

Realize Student Funds Are Low

Comenting on the drive, Kennedy stated: "The desperate need of Europe's invaded population requires no more argument than the familiar facts reported in the daily papers. In making this appeal to Harvard students, the Committee knows that many of them are low on funds at the end of the college year. It feels, however, that students can and should be given an opportunity to contribute something towards the Red Cross Allied relief drive, which is being conducted throughout the country.

"The quota we have set for Harvard is $1200. Anything over that" he added, "would be a measure of students' sympathy for the war-afflicted peoples of Europe. The Committee hopes that every member of the College will take part in the drive by making some contribution, no matter how small."


Charles Townsend Copeland '82, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, Emeritus, and Roger B. Merriman '96, Guerney Professor of History, have so far been named by the committee as Faculty sponsors.

Other members of the Committee include: Theodore L. Hazlett, Jr. '40 in charge of Kirkland House; David D. Henry '41 at Leverett House; Richard England '42 at Lowell House; Homer D. Peabody, Jr. '41 at Winthrop House; Phil C. Neal '40 at Dunster House; Robert S. Gorham at Adams House; Langdon P. Marvin, Jr. '41 at Eliot House; and Peter B. Saltonstall '43 at the Union.

Also connected with the drive are Peter E. Pratt '40, Blair Clark '40, Thomas V. Healey '40, Torbett H. Macdonald '40, Robert J. Glaser, Jr. '40, P. Loring Reed, Jr. '40, and Phillips Hallowell '40.
